Leah is a Montana Native. Growing up in Montana she has had an extensive background in the administrative field. Leah has worked for both non-profit and for profit organizations/companies, including local/regional government organizations. Leah is the “brains of the company” and manages most of the administrative operations. Leah also works full time as a Program Coordinator/Executive Assistant for the Indian Family Health Clinic. Leah is active in many local boards/organizations within the Great Falls Community. Leah has several professional certifications including but not limited to:
- Certified through the International Economic Development Council
- Certified trainer for the Indianpreneurship curriculum “A Native American Journey into Business”
- Certified facilitator of “Discover Conflict Partnership”, effective conflict resolution, relationship building and catalyst facilitation with Dr. Dudley Weeks.
- Certified facilitator of community capacity building and asset mapping through “Imagine Chicago” and “Creating Value-Added Communities” at the Asset-Based Community Development Institute at Northwestern University
- Certified facilitator of Study Circles through Everyday Democracy (formerly the Study Circles Resource Center).
In addition to her professional certifications, Leah is one of the ONLY female tow truck operators in Great Falls, and Montana in general. Don’t let the face fool you; she will accept the challenge of all complex towing situations. Leah has had extensive on the job training with Joe, and certification training through Wreckmaster. Leah is certified in Wreck master level 2/3. Leah, like Joe is also dedicated to promoting the awareness of “Move over Law-61-8-326”. Leah’s experience and professional relationships with law enforcement, local boards and businesses, has been key in their promotion of the “Move over Law -61-8-326”.